Paints and pigments with heavy metals
Many paints and pigments used in art classes contain heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and chromium. These heavy metals can cause health problems if inhaled or ingested. Make sure the materials you use are approved for the grade level intended. Also, make sure ventilation is available either from open windows or an exhaust fan. Personal protective equipment should be used when working with paints and pigments.
Silica (ceramic dusts)
Clay contains crystalline silica that can cause breathing problems if it is inhaled. When working with clay or ceramics, make sure windows are open or an exhaust fan is running to ventilate the work area.
Organic solvents (paint thinners)
Many paint thinners are made with solvents that can cause health problems. When working with these products, make sure the windows are open or an exhaust fan is running to ventilate the area. It also is important to store these materials by chemical group and keep them away from heat and flames.
Fumes from a kiln (potential metal fumes)
The very high internal kiln temperatures can result in toxic and odorous fumes being emitted from clay materials and exiting the kiln. These heated fumes can accumulate and create an uncomfortable and dangerous environment in the classroom. Kilns should be vented outdoors to reduce indoor exposure.
MSDS binder
Material safety data sheets (MSDSs) are required by law for every chemical that the school stores or uses. MSDSs contain information about the chemical and safety related information. It is a good idea to not only have a copy of the MSDSs in the area where the chemicals are used, but also in another location (such as the administrative office or nurse’s office) so that the MSDSs can be referenced if an accident occurs.
Fume hood
Fume hoods are used when working with products that may generate irritating vapors or gases. Fume hoods should be maintained and tested regularly to assure they are venting properly to the outdoors.