For Health Professionals
- Resources for Health Professionals: Avian Influenza (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Access resources for health professionals, including training, infection control in healthcare facilities, vaccination, treatment, and health education for patients.
- Checklists & Guidelines for Health Care Pandemic Planning
Get planning checklists and guidelines for home care services, medical offices, clinics and other facilities.
- Transcript of Webcast Symposium on Avian Influenza for State Health Departments and Poultry Industry (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Read the transcript of a November 2004 symposium on avian influenza topics: public health impact of avian influenza, worker health and safety, food safety, and biosecurity on the farm.
- Respiratory Infectious Disease Information (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs) Review emergency plans for Veterans Health Affairs facilities.
- Questions and Answers about using Personal Protective Equipment during Influenza Outbreaks, including Bird Flu (Avian Influenza) (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) Find answers to questions about personal protective equipment and how it can prevent the spread of infection.
- WHO Interim Infection Control Guideline for Health Care Facilities (PDF) (521KB) (World Health Organization) The WHO has provided infection control guidance for health care workers in health care facilities who evaluate or provide care for patients with suspected or confirmed avian influenza infection, including H5N1.
- Creating Liquid Tamiflu for children older than 1 year of age during a Pandemic Flu (PDF)