Bacteria |
Annually, quarterly, or monthly depending on system size and type |
Waterborne illness symptoms include diarrhea, cramps, nausea and vomiting. |
Nitrate/Nitrite |
Annually or quarterly |
Levels over 10 mg/L nitrate as nitrogen or 1 mg/L nitrite as nitrogen may cause birth defects, miscarriages or “blue baby syndrome” in infants (shortness of breath, blueness of skin). |
Samples must be analyzed at a laboratory certified for drinking water analysis. A list of certified laboratories is available from IEPA ( or by contacting your IDPH regional office.
This is a brief synopsis of sampling procedures for coliform and nitrate. Further information can be obtained from the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association and the Water Environment Federation.
Coliform Bacteria
Samples for microbiological examination must be collected in sterile bottles supplied by an approved laboratory. For samples expected to have any residual chlorine, the sample bottles must be treated with a dechlorinating agent such as sodium thiosulfate. Usually, the laboratory will provide the sample collector with the properly prepared container. The water sample should be taken at a tap that will be representative of the entire system. Outside locations are discouraged. Remove potential contamination sources such as screens, aeration devices and hoses. Threaded taps which might harbor bacteria around the threads should not be used. Leaking taps which allow water to flow around the stem and over the outside of the faucet should be avoided. In addition, a chlorine spray may be used to disinfect the fixture.
In all cases, the following techniques should be observed in order to avoid sample contamination:
Because samples must be analyzed within 30 hours of collection, be sure to mail or deliver the samples to the laboratory as soon as possible after collection. Mailing samples on a Monday or Tuesday ensures adequate time for analysis. Samples may be packed in ice when transporting to the laboratory; however, do not allow samples to become submerged in water during transportation.
Proper Coliform Sample Site
These contaminants can be sampled in either plastic or glass containers. Minimum sample size for each contaminant is 100 ml. An approved laboratory should provide you with the proper sampling containers and preservatives.
Open the faucet and thoroughly flush the line for at least two minutes. Open the container without rinsing or contaminating the inner surface. Fill the container to the proper level. Tightly seal the container for transport. Mail or deliver the samples to the laboratory as soon as possible after collection. The maximum elapsed time between collection of these samples and analysis is 48 hours.Failure to test water quality according to the proper schedule or failure to submit the results to IDPH violates the monitoring and reporting provisions of the SDWA and the Illinois Drinking Water Systems Code. You will be required to post a public notice, describing the violation.
The SDWA sets standards drinking water must meet. These are called maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). The MCL is the maximum allowable level of a substance in your water system. The table on page 7 lists the most current MCLs. The contaminant levels can change as the regulations change. If you're not sure or if you have questions, please contact the IDPH regional or Springfield office.
A certified laboratory must perform all of the analyses required by the state drinking water regulations. Certified laboratories will know if any of your analysis results exceeded an MCL, and they will notify you of the results. In addition, results of all analyses must be submitted to your local health department or IDPH within 10 days of receipt from the laboratory. IDPH reviews the results and informs you of any violations and follow-up sampling needed.
Coliform Bacteria
If the routine sample is total coliform-positive, the certified laboratory will also analyze the sample to determine if fecal coliform or E. coli is present. Repeat samples then must be collected within 24 hours of your notification of the total coliform-positive result.
If a routine sample is total coliform-positive, a system that normally collects one sample per month, quarter or year shall collect four repeat samples. A system collecting more than one routine sample per month shall collect three repeat samples for each total coliform-positive sample found. All repeat samples must be collected on the same day and they must be 100 mL samples. If all repeat samples are negative for total coliforms, no further repeat sampling is required.
If one or more repeat samples in the set are positive for total coliforms, the MCL has been exceeded. The laboratory must again analyze for the presence of fecal coliform or E. coli.
If a system has one or more routine or repeat samples test positive for total coliforms, it must take five additional samples during the next month the system provides water to the public.
For more information on compliance with the requirements for total coliforms at small systems serving fewer than 3301 population visit the following web site:
If the nitrate result for a non-transient, non-community system is greater than 50 percent of the MCL, one sample per calendar quarter is required until further notice. Quarterly sampling must continue until the results of at least four consecutive quarterly samples are below the MCL.
Drinking water with nitrates greater than the MCL of 10 mg/L as nitrogen or with nitrites over the MCL of 1 mg/L as nitrogen is a serious health threat to infants. Public notification is required for supplies with nitrate or nitrite levels over the MCL. Supplies must not allow water with nitrate levels over 20 mg/L as nitrogen to be used for human consumption.
If your water exceeds an MCL, you must issue a public notice to users of the system and take immediate action to correct the violation. The degree of follow-up action depends on the type and amount of contamination. The local health department and/or IDPH will work closely with you to determine the action necessary for your water system.
When an MCL is exceeded, you must notify the public water system users of the condition. The notification must contain, at a minimum, the contaminant found and its concentration, health effects of exposure, measures being taken to alleviate the problem, and the name and telephone number of someone who can provide the consumer with more information. This notice must be posted at all drinking water outlets. The type of notification required will depend on the severity of the contamination, the type of population being served and the urgency of the situation. IDPH will help you determine what language to put in your notification and can provide notification posters.
Surface water systems are easily contaminated because they are exposed to direct water runoff and the atmosphere. Therefore, state regulations require these systems to filter and disinfect their water.
Additional monitoring and design requirements for surface water systems are contained in 77 IAC Part 900 (Drinking Water Systems Code), 35 IAC Part 611(Primary Drinking Water Standards), and 77 IAC 930 (Surface Source Water Treatment Code). These requirements get much more detailed and complex than groundwater system requirements. For more information please contact the IDPH regional or Springfield office.
Lead and Copper
Two consecutive six-month monitoring periods are established starting in the first six months of operation. Collection of one set of samples is required during each monitoring period. For systems serving fewer than 3,301 people:
Population |
Sample Sites Required |
Less than 100 |
5 |
101 to 500 |
10 |
501 to 3,300 |
20 |
Inorganic Chemicals (IOCs)
One sample is taken every three years from each source of water. After nine years of acceptable sample results, monitoring is reduced to one sample every nine years. Arsenic was added to IOCs in 2006 and may be on a separate schedule from the other IOCs.
Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs)
If no sampling has been performed to date (i.e., a new water system), four consecutive quarterly samples must be taken within the first year of operation. If the quarterly samples do not detect VOCs, one sample must be drawn every six years.
If a regulated VOC is detected at any time,
- Quarterly sampling is required until the results of at least two quarterly samples are below the MCL.
- If quarterly samples do not detect VOCs, one sample must be collected annually for three years.
- If annual samples do not detect VOCs, one sample must be collected every six years.
- See contaminant list on page 7 for required VOC MCLs.
Pesticides and Synthetic Organic Chemicals (SOCs)
If a regulated SOC is detected at any time,
- Quarterly sampling is required until the results of at least two quarterly samples are below the MCL.
- If quarterly samples do not detect SOCs, one sample must be collected annually for three years.
Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs)
Supplies which disinfect with chlorine must monitor at least yearly for DBPs. Additional requirements apply to surface water supplies and supplies which use ozone or chlorine dioxide as disinfectants. Monitoring can be reduced based on sampling results.
Chemical |
Lead and Copper Action Levels |
Lead |
.015mg/L |
Copper |
1.3 mg/L |
DPBs |
Total Trihalomethanes (TTHM) |
.080 mg/L |
Haloacetic Acids (HAA5) |
.060 mg/L |
Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs) |
1,1 – Dichloroethylene |
0.007 mg/L |
1,1,1 – Trichloroethane |
0.20 mg/L |
1,2 – Dichloroethane |
0.005 mg/L |
1,2 – Dichloropropane |
0.005 mg/L |
1,1,2 – Trichloroethane |
0.005 mg/L |
1,2,4 – Trichlorobenzene |
0.07 mg/L |
Benzene |
0.005 mg/L |
Carbon tetrachloride |
0.005 mg/L |
cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene |
0.07 mg/L |
Dichloromethane |
0.005 mg/L |
Ethylbenzene |
0.7 mg/L |
Monochlorobenzene |
0.1 mg/L |
o-Dichlorobenzene |
0.075 mg/L |
Para-dichlorobenzene |
0.075 mg/L |
Styrene |
0.1 mg/L |
Tetrachloroethylene |
0.005 mg/L |
Toluene |
1.0 mg/L |
Trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene |
0.1 mg/L |
Trichloroethylene |
0.005 mg/L |
Vinyl Chloride |
0.002 mg/L |
Xylene |
10.0 mg/L |
Inorganic Chemicals (VOCs) |
Antimony |
0.006 mg/L |
Arsenic |
0.010 mg/L |
Asbestos |
7 MFL |
Barium |
2.0 mg/L |
Beryllium |
0.004 mg/L |
Cadmium |
0.005 mg/L |
Chromium | 0.2 mg/L | |
Cyanide | 0.2 mg/L | |
Mercury | 0.002 mg/L | |
Selenium | 0.005 mg/L | |
Thallium | 0.002 mg/L |
Synthetic Organic Chemicals (SOCs) |
Testing Initial |
Required Triennial |
x |
x |
1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane (DBCP) |
0.0002 mg/L |
x |
x |
2, 4-D |
0.07 mg/L |
x |
x |
2,4,5-TP (Silvex) |
0.05 mg/L |
x |
x |
Alachlor |
0.002 mg/L |
x |
x |
Atrazine |
0.003 mg/L |
x |
x |
Carbofuran |
0.04 mg/L |
x |
x |
Chlordane |
0.002 mg/L |
x |
x |
Ethylene Dibromide |
0.00005 mg/L |
x |
x |
Heptachlor |
0.0004 mg/L |
x |
x |
Heptachlor Expoxide |
0.0002 mg/L |
x |
x |
Lindane |
0.0002 mg/L |
x |
x |
Methoxychlor |
0.04 mg/L |
x |
x |
PCBs |
0.005 mg/L |
x |
x |
Pentachlorophenol |
0.001 mg/L |
x |
x |
Toxaphene |
0.003 mg/L |
2,3,7,8-TCDD(Dioxin) |
3 x 10-8 mg/L |
Phase V Contaminants |
x |
Benzo(a)pyrene |
0.0002 mg/L |
x |
Dalapon |
0.2 mg/L |
x |
Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate |
0.4 mg/L |
x |
Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate |
0.006 mg/L |
x |
Dinoseb |
0.007 mg/L |
x |
x |
Diquat |
0.02 mg/L |
x |
x |
Endothall |
0.1 mg/L |
x |
Endrin |
0.002 mg/L |
x |
x |
Gylphostate |
0.7 mg/L |
x |
Hexachlorobenzene |
0.001 mg/L |
x |
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene |
0.05 mg/L |
x |
x |
Oxamyl (Vydate) | 0.2 mg/L |
x |
x |
Picloram | 0.5 mg/L |
x |
x |
Simazine | 0.004 mg/L |
1st Year |
2nd Year |
3rd Year |
4th Year |
5th Year |
6th Year |
7th Year |
SOCs-$2,720 |
once every three years if <3,300, twice if >3,300 |
SOCs-$520 |
SOCs-$520 |
VOCs-$720 |
0 |
once every 6 years |
VOCs-$180 |
IOCs-$152 Arsenic - $10 |
0 |
once every 3 years |
IOCs-$152 Arsenic - $10 |
IOCs-$152 Arsenic - $10 |
LEAD AND COPPER $120 for <100 |
once every 3 years |
LEAD AND COPPER $120 for <100 |
Once every 3 years |
Year Total- $4,092 |
Year Total- $365 |
Year Total- $365 |
Year Total- $1,437 |
Year Total- $240 |
Year Total- $240 |
Year Total- $1,617 |
Assuming a groundwater supply serving less than 100 people, the estimated cost for chemical sampling, if all samples are negative, amounts to $8,356 the first seven years. This does not include coliform or nitrate sampling.
All non-transient, non-community public water systems are required to have a certified operator. There are two ways to acquire the services of a certified operator. The system can either contract with a certified operator or the owner or a staff member can attend an IDPH approved training course and pass the certified operator examination. Anyone currently holding an IEPA water system operator classification qualifies as a certified operator. Contact IDPH at 217-782-5830 for operator certification training course dates and locations. Operators certified through IDPH are required to complete a recertification course every three years to maintain their certification.
Estimated Time
The annual estimated time required to perform all the duties and responsibilities listed above is approximately 180 to 360 hours.
General information on non-community public water systems is available at local health departments and at IDPH regional offices. Call the nearest one to talk to an environmental health specialist. He/she can answer your water system questions. Please refer to the following map to determine the appropriate regional office and contact information.
Illinois Department
of Public Health 535 West Jefferson Street Springfield, Illinois 62761 Phone 217-782-4977 Fax 217-782-3987 TTY 800-547-0466 Questions or Comments |