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Data Description Data Dictionary Query Form |
Data Description Data Dictionary Query Form |
Data Description Data Dictionary Query Form |
Data Description Data Dictionary Query Form |
Data Element | Categories | Description | Comments |
Age | 0 1 - 4 5 - 9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 - 74 75 + Unknown1 |
Age in years, based on the date of admission to the trauma center hospital | Age values are for the most part provided in five or 10-year intervals. |
Gender | Female Male Unknown1 |
Race/ Ethnicity |
Asian/Pacific Islander Black non-Hispanic Hispanic Native American White non-Hispanic Other Unknown1 |
Before 2004... (Asian, Pacific Islander) (Black, non-Hispanic) (White Hispanic, Black Hispanic) (American Indian) (White, non-Hispanic) (Other) From 2004 to present... Race Asian or Pacific Islander (Chinese; Japanese; Hawaiian; Filipino; Korean; Asian Indian; Vietnamese; Other; Guamanian; Samoan) Black Native American (American Indian; Alaska Native; Aleut) White Other Unknown Ethnicity Not of Hispanic Origin Mexican Puerto Rican Cuban Central or South American Other Hispanic Unknown, Hispanic Unknown, Not Classified |
Starting in 2004, a revised version of the Illinois Trauma Registry began coding race and ethnicity (Hispanic origin) as 2 distinct data elements. In this reporting system these 2 data elements have been grouped together to maintain consistency with previous years of reporting. If any category of Hispanic identification was checked (including "Unknown, Hispanic"), then the patient was considered Hispanic. Otherwise, the major race categories were applied. The only exception is that those coded as 'Alaska Native' or 'Aleut' were grouped with 'Other' in this reporting system. |
Cause of Injury |
Falls (Unintentional) Fires and Explosions (Unintentional) Motor Vehicle Crashes (Unintentional) Firearm (All intents) Intentional Injury/Self-Inflicted Intentional Injury/Inflicted by Others All Other External Causes Unknown1 |
E880-E888 E890-E899 E810-E825 E922.0-.9, E955.0-.4, E965.0-.4, E985.0-.4, E970 E950-E959 (excludes E955.0-.4) E960-E969 (excludes E965.0-.4) |
Grouping is based on ICD-9 coding for external cause of injury (E-Codes). |
Prehospital Transport |
Ground Ambulance Air transport Ground - Police Ground - Private Not Applicable Other Unknown1 |
Before 2004... Transportation mode identifies the means by which the patient arrived at the emergency department. It is identified from the vehicle number. "Not Applicable" refers to the cases that were not treated at the injury scene by a prehospital care team, or were transferred to the hospital from another facility. From 2004 to present... Categories were defined as follows: Ground Ambulance: ALS Ground Ambulance ILS Ground Ambulance BLS Ground Ambulance Air Transport: Air: Helicopter Air: Fixed Wing Air: Non-ambulance Ground - Police: Police/Public Safety Vehicle Ground - Private: Private Vehicle Other: Water transportation/Boat Other Unknown Not Applicable |
Starting in 2004, transport mode is a field containing discrete categories (see 'Description' column), and no longer derived from vehicle number. The new categories were easily grouped into the existing categories in this reporting system (see 'Categories' column). Note: With greater specificity, the practice of coding "Not Applicable" has been drastically reduced and changes can be observed in the frequency distribution for this field. |
Payor |
Commercial Insurance/HMO Medicare Medicaid Self Pay Other Unknown1 |
Before 2004... Private Carrier, HMO/PPO Medicare Medicaid Patient (self-pay) Other: Champus, Welfare, Victim's Fund, Workers Compensation, Automotive Carrier, and Others Unknown From 2004 to present... Commercial Ins., HMO/PPO/POS Medicare Medicaid Self-pay Other: Champus, Government Subsidized Programs (Welfare, Victim's Fund), Workers Compensation, Automobile Ins., and Others Unknown: Unknown, Not Applicable, and Empty |
Indicates the primary source of payment for the hospital charges. |
Discharge Status |
Discharged to Home Discharged Dead Left Against Medical Advice (AMA) Transferred Unknown1 |
Before 2004... Indicates the destination/status of the patient upon discharge from the trauma center hospital. The category "Transferred" includes transferred to acute care facility, inpatient rehabilitation facility, skilled nursing facility, intermediate/residential facility. From 2004 to present... Discharge to home Morgue/Funeral Home/Medical Examiner Coroner AMA/Eloped Transferred: Transfer to another hospital D/C to Child Protective Services D/C to Nursing Home/SNF/ICF/residential D/C to Jail/prison D/C to Psychiatric Hospital D/C to Rehabilitation Center D/C to Hospice Care Unknown: Other Unknown Not Applicable |
As of 2004, the coding categories for discharge status have gained greater specificity. This is particularly true for discharges to other institutional care, medical or otherwise. To maintain consistency with previous years within this reporting system, these new categories were grouped under "Transferred". Non-specific categories, such as "Other" and "Not Applicable", were grouped together with "Unknown". |
Time Period | 1994-Q1 1994-Q2 1994-Q3 1994-Q4 … through 2013-Q4 |
Quarterly time frames are based on the date of admission to the trauma center hospital. | |
EMS Region | Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 / 5 Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 Region 9 Region 10 Region 11 Unknown1 |
Identifies the Emergency Medical Services Region. |
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