We Choose Healthy Living
Every Illinois community deserves to have access to healthy food choices and safe opportunities for physical activity. Getting proper nutrition and exercise are essential for building and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and for preventing obesity and other illnesses. We Choose Health will fund the following types of evidence- and practice-based approaches to increase opportunity and remove barriers to healthy living:
- Breastfeeding/Baby Friendly Hospitals
Breastfeeding is one of the best things mother's can do for a healthy baby. Breastfeeding has been shown to prevent illness and recently as a protective factor to obesity. Baby Friendly Hospitals is a World Health Organization initiative to make hospitals a supportive place for mothers who want to breastfeed. We Choose Health will fund and support local community groups to achieve the Baby Friendly Hospital designation at local hospitals in their area. - Coordinated School Health Model (CSHM)
The Coordinated School Health Model brings together school administrators, teachers, other staff, students, family and community members to assess health needs; set priorities; and plan, implement and evaluate school health activities. The CSHM consists of eight components: health education; physical education; health services; nutrition services; counseling, psychological and social services; healthy and safe school environments; health promotion for staff; and family/community involvement. We Choose Health will fund and support local community groups to implement CSHM in their local school districts. - Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care (NAP SACC)
NAP SACC intervention utilizes a simple assessment tool for child care providers to identify easy ways to improve nutrition and physical activity standards. We Choose Health will work with sister agencies and other partners to implement the NAP SACC intervention at a statewide level. - Worksite Wellness
Workplaces are an ideal opportunity to support healthy eating and active living considering how much time adults spend at their worksites. Worksite wellness programs give employees opportunities to be physically active, eat health foods and live tobacco free. Employers and their employees can both benefit from such programs. We Choose Health will fund and support local community groups to partner with local employers to implement worksite wellness policies.
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
National Prevention Council
Active Living and Healthy Eating
National Farm to School Network
Illinois State Board of Education
Let's Move Campaign
Breastfeeding/Baby Friendly Hospitals
Unicef Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative
Illinois Department of Human Services
Illinois State Breastfeeding Taskforce
Coordinated School Health Model
Enhanced Physical Education (P.E.) Strategic Plan
Coordinated School Health - CDC
Worksite Wellness
Healthier Worksite Initiative - CDC