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We Choose Health Action Institute

Grantee Resource Guide

Worksite Wellness

Illinois Department of Public Health

Wellness Council of America

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Center for Science in the Public Interest Nutrition Policies

Healthy Food Government Property

HBO Films

Smoke-free Living

Change Lab Solutions - Law and policy innovation for the common good

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Healthy Hearts

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes to School National Partnership

Active Transportation Alliance

Complete Streets

National Complete Streets Coalition

Illinois Listing of Complete Streets Ordinances

Baby Friendly Hospitals

Illinois State Breastfeeding Task Force

Illinois Department of Human Services Breastfeeding Promotion Resources

Baby-Friendly USA - The Accrediting Body For The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative

Joint Use Agreements

Change Lab Solutions

Public Health Law and Policy

Coordinated School Health Publications and Resources

Basic Information

Academic Achievement and School Health

Assessment and Planning

Collaboration and Partnership


Parent and Family Involvement


Professional Associations

Health Education Teachers

School-Based Health Centers

General School Health

Nutrition Services Directors/Managers or Nutritionists

Physical Education Teachers

School Heath Coordinators

School Nurses

School Psychologists, Counselors, and Social Workers

Professional Development

Promising Practices

(The previous Coordinated School Health resources have been compiled by the Illinois Maternal and Child Health Coalition, using resources from the CDC)

Enhancing Physical Education and Physical Activity in Illinois Schools

Guides for Working with Schools

Assessment Tools

Assessments that can lead to recognition, rewards, or monetary awards

Assessments that can be utilized to implement particular approaches to wellness

Tools for assessing P.E. curricula and the proportion of Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA) during P.E. classes

Other wellness-related assessments

Standards and Recommendations

National standards and recommendations for P.E. and physical activity, e.g.,

Federal standards for creating and monitoring wellness policies

Illinois-specific information

Curricula - Tools and Resources

P.E. curriculum suggestions

Incorporating physical activity throughout the day

Opportunities for professional development for P.E. teachers

Opportunities for professional development for non-P.E. teachers and other school staff

Model wellness policies and programming

Monitor and Reward Progress - Rewards and Recognition Programs

School or school district awards

Teacher awards

School administrator awards

Awards for P.E. teacher education programming

Other awards

(The previous Enhancing Physical Education resource guide was compiled by the Illinois Public Health Institute and the Illinois Maternal and Child Health Coalition)