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Lead Poisoning Statistics for children 6 years of age or younger 2017

Estimated population of children 1,103,797
Children tested 229,203
Children who have been tested at least once in their lifetime as of December 31, 2017 54 %
Total housing units 5,310,327
Pre-1978 housing units estimates 65 %
Pre-1950 housing units estimates 15 %

Children Tested >=5 mcg/dL
Children 6 years of age or younger tested for blood lead 229,203 0.7 %
Children tested for the first time in 2017 57.6 % 1.3 %
Children 2 Years of Age or Younger Tested for blood lead 133,707 3.4 %
Medicaid Enrolled Children 69.4 % 3.4 %
Non-Medicaid Enrolled Children 30.6 % 2.7 %

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