Welcome to the Illinois Department of Public Health,
Division of Emergency Medical Services and Highway Safety (EMS), data reporting
system. This system was developed to facilitate public access to limited
statewide and local health related trending information. Several statewide
databases are contained within this system and can be queried to provide
descriptive statistics for a particular database.
Users can easily move across the web site by using the
navigation bar displayed on the top of every page. The navigation bar
contains links to a description page, a data dictionary page, and the query form
for each database. The query forms are user-friendly screens containing selected
data elements from each database. Users can customize their queries as well as
how the results are displayed.
First time users are highly encouraged to review the
Tutorial page before
conducting a query.
 Users of this system should
familiarize themselves with the individual database(s) that they intend to
query, so as to be aware of the purpose, content and limitations of each
database. Each database has inherent limitations that need to be taken into
consideration when reviewing findings. Any conclusions, opinions or
recommendations drawn from queries conducted through this system are not
necessarily those of the Illinois Department of Public Health or any of the
agencies contributing data to this system.
The following statewide databases are contained in this system:
Illinois Department of Public Health
Mortality Database (1994 - 2014)
Illinois Department of Public Health
Trauma Registry Database (1994 - 2013)
Illinois Department of
Transportation Traffic Crash Report Database (1994 - 2015)
Illinois Health and Hospital Association Hospital Discharge Database
(1994 - 2015)
To learn more about each of the databases or to conduct a query of a
database, click directly on a database listed above.
This reporting system is supported in part by funding from the
Illinois Department of Transportation and the Maternal & Child Health
Bureau, Department of Health and Human Services.
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