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Informing Clinicians Committee

Strategic Framework Goal 1

Committee Members

Ellen S. Brull, M.D., Chair
Craig Backs, M.D.
Beth Hackman
Brian H. Kramer, R.Ph., MBA
William L. Kempiners
Daniel Litoff, MD
Edward Mensah, Ph.D.
Gordon Schiff, M.D
Darryl Vandervort

Committee Work Products
  Draft Goals, Objectives and Issues (7/6/06 version)
Final Committee Report (11/14/06)
Meeting Summaries



Summary of FHIN Projects 2005-2006 - PDF [Sent to committee members for May 26, 2006, meeting.]

Profiles of Key e-Health Related Projects in Minnesota - Minnesota Department of Health, April 2006 - PDF [Sent to committee members for May 26, 2006, meeting.]

Summary of Proposed Legislation - PDF [Sent to committee members for May 26, 2006, meeting.]

Presentation by Hayes Abrams and Marc Washington, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois - PDF [Sent to committee members for June 30, 2006, meeting.]

Introduction to DOQ-IT Presentation by Grace Martos, Illinois Foundation for Quality Health Care - PDF [Sent to committee members for June 30, 2006, meeting.]

PCS Sample New Patient Clinical Summary - PDF [Sent to committee members by Marc Washington, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, as a follow-up to his presentation at the June 30, 2006, meeting.]

Electronic Medical Record use by Office-based Physicians: United States, 2005 - PDF [CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics Health E-Stat, issued on July 21, 2006]

Interconnecting Clinicians Personalizing Health Improving Population Health

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Illinois Department of Public Health
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Springfield, Illinois 62761
Phone 217-782-4977
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